Donations for the Veterans Activities Fund
4 Donors

-930 Days Left

Donations for the Veterans Activities Fund

Raised: $80.00 / Goal: $2,000.00

Donate Now
100% of card donations (minus card processing fees) will be sent to our Veterans Home for Activities on a monthly basis, or as funds are given by our wonderful supporters. We hope to raise $2,000 by next year.
Who started veteran’s benefits? It’s a fact:
The English colonies in North America provided pensions for disabled veterans. The first law in the colonies on pensions, enacted in 1636 by Plymouth, provided money to those disabled in the colony’s defense against Indians.
In 1776 the Continental Congress sought to encourage enlistments and curtail desertions with the nation’s first pension law. It granted half pay for life in cases of loss of limb or other serious disability. At most, only 3,000 Revolutionary War veterans ever drew any pension. Later, grants of public land were made to those who served to the end of the war.
President Hoover signed the executive order establishing the VA on July 21, 1930.
The first Veterans Home in California was established in 1884 for Civil War veterans. Today, the CalVet Homes provide long-term care to resident veterans. The eight current Homes are a system of live-in, residential care facilities offering a comprehensive plan of medical, dental, pharmacy, rehabilitation services and social activities within a homelike, small community environment.
